Tech Groups


Connect with People Interested in Technology

Girls’ and women’s groups focused on technology and STEM education are on the rise, and likely meeting in your area. Explore the suggestions below and find a successful program that suits your needs.

Discovery Tech Groups for Girls – U.S.

  • Black Girls Code
    Black Girls Code introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from under-represented communities in programming languages such as Scratch and Ruby on Rails.

  • Girls Excelling in Math and Science (GEMS)
    The GEMS club has been working since 1994 to expose third- through eighth-grade girls to the fun and wonder of math, science and technology.

  • Girls Who Code
    Girls Who Code is closing the gender gap in technology and engineering. With support from public and private partners, Girls Who Code works to educate, inspire and equip high school girls with the skills and resources to pursue opportunities in computing fields.

  • Girlstart
    Girlstart's mission is to increase girls’ interest and engagement in STEM through innovative, nationally-recognized informal STEM education programs. Girlstart aspires to be the national leader in designing and implementing innovative, high quality informal STEM education programs that inspire girls to transform our world.

  • Tech Trek
    Tech Trek is a science and math camp designed to develop interest, excitement and self-confidence in young women. It features hands-on activities in math, science and information technology.

  • TechGirlz
    Tech Girlz is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping adolescent girls understand that a future in technology transcends the cubicle into nearly every field imaginable.

Tech Organizations for Women – U.S.

  • Anita Borg Institute
    The Anita Borg Institute works to ensure that the creators of technology mirror the people and societies using it.

  • Girl Develop It
    Girl Develop It empowers women of diverse backgrounds from around the world to learn how to develop software.

  • Illinois IT Learning Exchange
    The IL IT LEX brings together partners from education and business that can use its collective knowledge to inform and transform the career tech education programs across the state.

  • Million Women Mentors
    Million Women Mentors is an engagement campaign and national call to action that mobilizes corporations, government entities, nonprofit and higher education groups to mentor girls and young women in STEM fields.

  • National Center for Women & Information Technology
    The National Center for Women & Information Technology increases women's participation in technology and computing by connecting more than 500 prominent corporations, academic institutions, government agencies and nonprofits.

  • Society for Information Management
    Highly regarded as the premier network for IT leadership, the Society for Information Management is a community of thought leaders who share experiences, rich intellectual capital and explore future IT direction. The group offers the resources IT professionals need to do business better, including face-to-face meeting and networking, online tools and publications.

  • Sit With Me
    Sit with Me, a program from the National Center for Women and Information Technology, invites you to validate and recognize the important role women play in creating future technology by taking a small but symbolic action: sit in a red chair and share your IT story.

  • Women in AV
    Women in AV promotes the growth and performance of women by empowering women to feel recognized, respected, productive and important to the AV industry.

  • Women in the Channel
    Women in the Channel connects female leaders in the telecom and IT channels for the purpose of collaborating to grow our businesses, support each other as women and mentor each other.

  • Women Tech Council
    The Women Tech Council provides mentoring, visibility and networking for women. The community is built for women who work for technology companies or hold technology roles in other industries.

  • Women in Tech Summit
    The Women in Tech Summit is a series of events that inspire, educate and connect women in the technology industry. The goal is to support the community of women currently working in technology.

  • Women in Technology International
    Women in Technology International helps women advance by providing support for professional women working in all sectors of technology. Today it’s the world's leading trade association for tech-savvy women.

  • Women Who Tech
    Women Who Tech brings together talented and renowned women breaking new ground in technology. Meet women who use their tech savvy skills to transform the world and inspire change.

Discovery Tech Groups for Girls – ANZ

  • Girl Geek Coffees
    Girl Geek Coffees is a meet-and-greet discussion group for females and supportive males in STEM. Student and associate ambassadors facilitate local chapters of the group, located in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, with proactive support provided by Academic and Industry Ambassadors.

  • Go Girl, Go for IT
    Young women in secondary school can discover the incredible range of vocational avenues available in IT through Go Girl, Go for IT, a free IT career showcase run by The Victorian ICT for Women.

  • Grok Learning
    Grok Learning gives girls access to a team of educators and software engineers who want to make coding fun for everyone. Here, students learn the skills they need to become the creators of tomorrow.

  • Google CS First
    More than 4,600 schools have used CS First clubs to introduce computer science to students. The CS First curriculum is free and easy to use — no computer science experience required.

  • Tech Girls Are Chic, Not Just Geek
    The book “Tech Girls Are Chic, Not Just Geek” paints a real picture of women working in technology. The 16 characters are fun, funky women working challenging and interesting technology jobs throughout Australia. Far from “geeks,” these women combine technical and nontechnical skills to succeed in their IT careers.

  • Code The Future
    Code The Future is a global community of volunteer developers and educators helping students of all ages learn to code. The program was founded in November 2014 and is based in Melbourne.

  • Techonauts
    Techonauts Pty Ltd shares the thrill and art of computer science and engineering with educators and young people. Located in Sydney, the Australian owned and family-run company heralds the arts and crafts of mechatronics, robotics, and computer, software and electronics engineering.

  • Technology Student Association
    The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership and opportunities in STEM education. Members apply and integrate these concepts through co-curricular activities, competitions and related programs.

  • Thunder Down Under Robotics Club
    The Thunder Down Under, or FIRST Team 3132, works closely with Macquarie University to help students build robots and develop skills in both strategy and technology. Through the program, mentors inspire young people from 20 Sydney-area high schools to consider careers in STEM.

  • Code Club Australia
    Code Club Australia uses the latest technology to make it easier for students to learn, making coding fun for everyone. The group’s educators and software engineers use decades of experience to teach the next generation the skills they need to become the creators of tomorrow.

  • Leap Robotics
    This Macquarie University program uses tools like LEGOS to bring robotics to life for area students. The program provides both hands-on activities and an opportunity to visit the university so students can explore its science and engineering facilities.

  • UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering’s High School Computing Club
    This group helps students explore the depth and breadth of computer science. Through competitions and computer games, the UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering’s High School Computing Club sparks an interest in students new to computing and provides mentoring for students who have excelled beyond classroom work.

Tech Organisations for Women – ANZ

  • FITT
    Females in IT and Telecommunications (FITT) is a nonprofit network that facilitates peer networking and support to inspire women to achieve their career aspirations and potential at all levels and disciplines within information and communications technology.

  • FIRST Ladies
    FIRST Ladies focuses on robotics and works to create a world where women engineers are celebrated. The program connects girls to the robotics program FIRST — For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology — and lets girls ask questions, make friends, find support and discover new opportunities in STEM.

  • Women In Technology
    WiT is the peak industry body for women in technology and life sciences within Queensland.

  • Women Are IT
    With chapters in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth, Women Are IT encourages women to choose IT as a career and raises the status of women in Australian IT businesses. The program facilitates conversations and debate, and provides a framework for women IT to extend their networks and expand their knowledge.

  • Vic ICT for Women
    As an inclusive networking forum, The Victorian Information Communication Technology for Women Network (Vic ICT for Women) furthers the entry, retention and progression of urban and regional women in information and communications technology.

  • Tech Girls Movement
    The nonprofit Tech Girls Movement bases its campaign on the book, “Tech Girls Are Superheroes,” and promotes positive female role models in information technology. Through the program, young women are encouraged to explore the different career possibilities available in technology.

  • Robogals Global
    Robogals Global, founded by 2012 Young Australian of the Year Marita Cheng, increases female participation in engineering, science and technology through fun and educational initiatives aimed at girls in primary and secondary school. The international, student-run nonprofit has multiple chapters throughout Australia.

Discovery Tech Groups for Girls – UK

  • WISE
    WISE inspires girls and women to study and build careers using science, technology, engineering and maths. Its mission is to get 1 million more women in the UK STEM workforce.

Tech Organisations for Women – UK

  • The Tech Partnership
    The Tech Partnership is a growing network of employers collaborating to create the skills for the digital economy.

  • TechMaids London UK
    TechMaids, based in North London, provides computer skills, training and breaks down advancement barriers faced by women and girls taking up information technology. The group focuses on women and girls from underprivileged backgrounds.

  • Women in Technology Job Board
    The Women in Technology Job Board lists vacancies being advertised by firms and organisations that are showing a real commitment to increasing the number of female technologists working for them by placing diversity at the heart of their recruitment and retention activities.