Trends in Managed Services

Research - Member ContentPublished : March 06, 2020

Tags : Managed Services | Industry Trends

Managed services hasn’t been the new kid on the block in terms of business models in a long time, but its staying power and value to a broad swath of those in the business of technology cannot be denied. MSPs are at an interesting time too in their evolution. The era of cloud has both frustrated MSPs and fueled new growth opportunities. Emerging technologies such as internet of things, AI, and even drones are providing new potential revenue streams for MSPs that learn to harness those technologies. Security has emerged as a major opportunity area for MSPs today, with a segment of providers choosing to devote their practices exclusively to the discipline. Still others are shoring up software-based practices around data analytics. Challenges exist as well, from security threats to MSPs themselves to ongoing concerns about commoditization and margin erosion. In this report, CompTIA details findings and trends happening across the managed services landscape today.

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