Valuable and Timely Resource Added to the CompTIA PTI Member Benefits Package: Helping Member Local Governments Combat Cyber Threats

Combat Cyber Threats with the CompTIA ISAO

As cyber threats increase, local government cyber leaders need access to the latest threat intelligence and best practices in order to keep the organizations and communities you serve secure.

CompTIA Public Technology Institute (PTI) members can now join the CompTIA Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO), a service that analyzes the latest cybersecurity threats, provides real-time actionable threat intelligence, and gives you access to peer-to-peer best practice sharing.

Participation in the CompTIA ISAO is provided as part of your local government’s membership with CompTIA PTI. Access is open to any official with a responsibility for cyber programming employed by a CompTIA PTI member local government.

What is the CompTIA ISAO?

The CompTIA ISAO provides its members with actionable threat intelligence, peer networking, best practice sharing, and a suite of cybersecurity tools designed to ensure you are prepared to defend against increasingly targeted and malicious attacks. As a trusted advisor, the CompTIA ISAO provides relevant, timely and useful information that raises your government’s cybersecurity resilience.

Learn more about ISAOs and how they can help you combat cybersecurity threats.

CompTIA ISAO Membership Benefits for PTI Members

CompTIA PTI member local governments that join the CompTIA ISAO will receive threat intelligence via various means, including email. Members are also able to access the Cyber Forum to gain additional information about cybersecurity threats and actionable guidance, including:

  • Alerts, including targeted notifications based on members technical and business profiles.
  • Cyber Risk Rating (monitor your organization’s cyber security resilience)
  • Information about significant trends.
  • Weekly video updates
  • Weekly podcasts
  • Research from CompTIA, members and cyber industry sources
  • Threat reports
  • Relevant news feeds
  • Special Local Government Cyber Forum

Take Advantage of the CompTIA ISAO Resources Available to CompTIA PTI Members

By joining the CompTIA ISAO, your local government will have access to insight and information on the latest cyber risks as well as prescriptive, actionable steps to respond.

Participation in the CompTIA ISAO is included in your organization’s CompTIA PTI annual dues. Access to the CompTIA ISAO is open to anyone in your organization.

For information about how you can access the CompTIA ISAO as part of your CompTIA PTI local government membership, contact Dale Bowen, senior manager at [email protected].