Member Recognition

As a member-driven community, we value participation and engagement. CompTIA Community members dedicate their time, energy and leadership skills to help build an ecosystem that advances the tech industry, takes its workforce to new heights and strengthens our community. Each year, we take the time to recognize and honor these outstanding members for their active leadership, extraordinary service contributions and commendable achievements and innovation.

Nominate a peer–or yourself–for these CompTIA Community awards and help us acknowledge and honor the exceptional work that goes into making the technology industry better now and for years to come.

CompTIA Community Member of the Year

Nominations Closed

The CompTIA Community Member of the Year Award recognizes a single member who has demonstrated outstanding service and impact through their commitment, passion, professionalism and leadership. The peer nomination process allows CompTIA Community members to spotlight exceptional work and dedication.

Past honorees include:

2023│ Alex Spigel
2022│ Rita Loncar
2021│ Hannah Lloyd
2020│ Nellie Scott
2019│ Angel Pineiro
2018│ Victor Johnston
2017│ Tracy Pound
2016│ John Tippett

Learn more

2023 CompTIA MOTY Award Winner - Alex Spigel

CompTIA Spotlight Awards Wordmark

ANZ Nominations Open until 21 June, 2024

The CompTIA Community Spotlight Awards honor individual members and member companies that are making a difference in the technology industry. This regional awards program shines a light on active leadership, outstanding service contributions and innovation that have a positive impact in regions around the world. The peer nomination process allows CompTIA Community members to spotlight exceptional work.

Spotlight Award recipients are selected from CompTIA Community members in individual leadership categories as well as company categories.

Learn more
